Wednesday, July 16, 2008

If This Doesn't Scare You...

Okay so I read that the President has the power now to detain civilians living in the United States indefinitely. THIS MEANS you and me, anybody that the president deems an enemy combatant (whatever that means). So basically they can say you are a terrorist, and not really even have any proof, partially because of the so called Patriot Act, and lock you up indefinitely without charges, without a lawyer, and probably not let you see anybody, not your family not anyone. You will in effect be "disappeared". This is what dictatorships do. This is what despots do. Crazy people who want total control over their people. This does not happen in America.
What has happened to our constitution? This scares the crap out of me. And if it doesn't scare you I suggest you read 1984 or at least watch the movie, that movie scared me more then any horror movie I've seen. I swear it seems like the right wing is using that book as a blueprint for controlling us. And it is not outlandish to think that we will eventually have camera's watching us in our own homes, and people dumbing down and changing our language to make it mean things it really doesn't and to tell us that we cannot be in love with who we want, and that our government will be torturing it's own citizens. Please write letters, send emails, and telephone your Congress people and Representatives on this.
Fourth Circuit Backs Bush on Detentions
President Bush has the legal power to order the indefinite military detentions of civilians captured in the United States, the federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., ruled on Tuesday in a fractured 5-to-4 decision. ...
07/16/2008 - 13:37

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Okay so I haven't been here much. I'm sorry to the two people who maybe read this. I probably won't be here much this summer I am going back to school and I will be super busy doing other things as well. ugh. anyway. I will post but I might just do alot of re posting things like news articles and such. I apologize in advance for my laziness on this. Have a great summer and still check out the blog there might be something I go off on. Peace