Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Yet another mixed message from the dominate media
They have finally said it
Aide: Terror Attacks "Big Advantage" to McCain http://www.truthout.org/article/aide-terror-attacks-big-advantage-mccainEdward Luce and Andrew Ward report for The Financial Times: "John McCain's right-hand man hit a raw nerve on Monday when he said another terrorist attack on US soil would prove a 'big advantage' to the Republican nominee's general election chances. The comments by Charlie Black, who is arguably Mr McCain's most experienced adviser, put into words what many Republicans and Democrats have privately been stating for months."
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Progressives can save the world!
These are some of America's real values. If you believe in these you cannot vote for Republican Conservatives and if you really believe in them, then you want Green Party or Socialist candidates. I believe that this is what America really wants. We need to work for this, but we need to start with small government so that we can show people what Green Party or Socialist party candidates can do for all of these values and the true way of American life. We cannot continue in the way the world is going now, it is NOT sustainable for anybody or anything, people, animals, plants etc.
I am reading a book right now called Don't Think of an Elephant! by George Lakoff that my girlfriend has lent me. I strongly recommend it to all progressives to learn how we can frame our arguments to get into the fabric of our society like the conservative neo-cons have. It is way past the time for us to do this. They have a 30 to 40 year head start on us and have billions of dollars invested in there mission. We need to learn these things to give us the tools we need to take back our country and really help the world.
Yet Another Reason NOT to Elect John McCain
John McCain's Chilling Project for America
Thursday 12 June 2008
by: Elliot Cohen, Truthdig
(Former aide to Dick Cheney I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby (L) and former World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz. Both men were instrumental in the creation of the "Wolfowitz Doctrine," which advocates preemptive war and oil security at all costs - a philosophy that lives on in McCain's mindset, according to Elliot D. Cohen.) ( the previous is a caption for a Photo ont the site. Photo: Reuters)
John McCain has long been a major player in a radical militaristic group driven by an ideology of global expansionism and dominance attained through perpetual, pre-emptive, unilateral, multiple wars. The credo of this group is "the end justifies the means," and the end of establishing the United States as the world's sole superpower justifies, in its estimation, anything from military control over the information on the Internet to the use of genocidal biological weapons. Over its two terms, the George W. Bush administration has planted the seeds for this geopolitical master plan, and now appears to be counting on the McCain administration, if one comes to power, to nurture it.
to read the full article go to http://www.truthout.org/
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
We have a nominee!! Obama is the nominee for the democrats! I am sooo happy that the primaries are over. I was a very strong Hillary supporter at the beginning. But as the campaign went on, and on, and on... I became less and less of a supporter. I did not like her tactics and her reasoning. I did loose alot of respect for her. But some was regained when she made her concession speech. I hope that Obama gives her a cabinet position. I can't remember what the exact office is but, it's secretary of health or something. She could maybe fix our looooong ailing health care system. And I hope that Obama can find a woman to run with him as vice president.
Okay so here is another reason to completely reject McCain. He is just more of Bush, he is Bush magnified in fact he does not understand economics. He has no compassion for women or minorities, the middle class let alone homosexuals, or immigrants. He has also said that there will be more wars, and that it would be okay with him if we stayed in Iraq for 100 years, ugh. This is an old video, but it is sooo telling. He is completely ridiculous. He also said recently he would ban all beers. I should find that one too. I really hope he will not be our next president. Can we possibly be that stupid?
okay her is the ban all beers: very funny :)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
John McCain's Gramm Gamblehttp://www.truthout.org/article/john-mccains-gramm-gamblePatricia Kilday Hart, of The Texas Observer: "The GOP presidential nominee is relying on the ex-senator who helped bring you the mortgage crisis and Rick Perry. In the early evening of Friday, December 15, 2000, with Christmas break only hours away, the US Senate rushed to pass an essential, 11,000-page government reauthorization bill. In what one legal textbook would later call 'a stunning departure from normal legislative practice,' the Senate tacked on a complex, 262-page amendment at the urging of Texas Sen. Phil Gramm. There was little debate on the floor. According to the Congressional Record, Gramm promised that the amendment-also known as the Commodity Futures Modernization Act-along with other landmark legislation he had authored, would usher in a new era for the US financial services industry."
I cannot believe how stupid our congress is sometimes. Either that or laziness? this is also how the Patriot Act was passed, because it was too thick to read, supposedly. This is the future we can expect if we elect this man. More of the rich getting richer with policies like this. The divide between the wealthy and the poor will increase. Jobs will leave at an even more alarming rate. They will then have a general population that will be willing to work for third world wages, which is what they are striving for. They will break unions, and rewrite existing work conditon laws. But everyone will be expected to continue to contribute to the stock market via there 401K which will be mandatory.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Senator Byrd Hospitalized After Suffering a High Fever http://www.truthout.org. Taylor Rushing, of The Hill: "Senator Robert Byrd (D-W. Va.) was admitted to the hospital for the third time this year on Monday night, this time for overnight observation after suffering a high fever. Byrd, 90, the longest-serving senator in US history, was taken to a Virginia hospital in the early evening and will stay there overnight after feeling ill throughout the day, spokesman Jesse Jacobs said. Jacobs said Byrd had felt 'lethargic and sluggish' throughout the day, but attended the lone Senate vote of the day, at 5:30 p.m."
Obama Pushes Effort to Claim Victory Tonight http://www.truthout.org/article/obama-pushes-effort-claim-victory-tonightAdam Nagourney, of The New York Times: "Senator Barack Obama's campaign began a concerted effort on Monday to rally undecided superdelegates around him so he can claim the Democratic presidential nomination after the primaries end on Tuesday night. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton invited fund-raisers and other supporters to an election-night rally in New York City where, aides said, she was prepared to deliver what they described as a farewell speech that summed up the case for her candidacy. They said Mrs. Clinton was not likely to withdraw from the race on Tuesday night, probably waiting until later in the week, once Mr. Obama's victory appeared clear."
Well, hello,
anyway I hope you can all get some use out of thanks for reading.