Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yet another mixed message from the dominate media

Okay so about a week ago the dominate media kinda sorta said that drilling in ANWAR would save us from high gas prices , by boosting production and then yesterday it said that the boost in production that Saudi Arabia has agreed to will not really do anything. Hmm which is it boost production and have lower prices or not. This is just another example of how they miss lead us DAILY about everything. So what they are saying is that if we drill in ANWAR THAT boost will save us, but the Saudi's boost will not. Even though drilling in ANWAR will probably take years to accomplish, millions or billions even to set up, and could possibly hurt or kill the wildlife in the area, NO big deal. It will save us. Well, here's an Idea... how about we take that time, effort ingenuity AND money and invest in say renewable energy sources like wind power, solar energy, battery powered and electric cars, things like that. Just a thought

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