Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We have a nominee!! Obama is the nominee for the democrats! I am sooo happy that the primaries are over. I was a very strong Hillary supporter at the beginning. But as the campaign went on, and on, and on... I became less and less of a supporter. I did not like her tactics and her reasoning. I did loose alot of respect for her. But some was regained when she made her concession speech. I hope that Obama gives her a cabinet position. I can't remember what the exact office is but, it's secretary of health or something. She could maybe fix our looooong ailing health care system. And I hope that Obama can find a woman to run with him as vice president.

Okay so here is another reason to completely reject McCain. He is just more of Bush, he is Bush magnified in fact he does not understand economics. He has no compassion for women or minorities, the middle class let alone homosexuals, or immigrants. He has also said that there will be more wars, and that it would be okay with him if we stayed in Iraq for 100 years, ugh. This is an old video, but it is sooo telling. He is completely ridiculous. He also said recently he would ban all beers. I should find that one too. I really hope he will not be our next president. Can we possibly be that stupid?

okay her is the ban all beers: very funny :)

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